Monday, August 18, 2008

From Big Sister Synesthesia...

"Your blog has me thinking..and feeling..and dancing..and listening..and watching. Take a look at the clips for Bjork's Pagan Poetry and Unravel and read the lyrics. These two clips illustrate how music can speak to you on so many more levels - a delight for the senses!"

Thank you, Big Sister, for keeping the conversation going.

For your sensory pleasure, I present 'Unravel'.


While you are away my heart comes undone.
Slowly unravels in a ball of yarn
The devil collects it with a grin, our love, in a ball of yarn.
He'll never return it,
so when you come back we'll have to make new love.
He'll never return it.
When you come back we'll have to make new love.
While you are away my heart comes undone,
Slowly unravels in a ball of yarn.
The devil collects it with a grin, our love, our love, in a ball of yarn.
He'll never return it.
When you come back we'll have to make new love.
He'll never return it.
When you come back we'll have to make new love.
He'll never return it.
When you come back we'll have to make new love.


TomDiggleHarry said...

Awesome blog...Go 888!!

Unknown said...

Bjork is one of the most amazing artists I've ever encountered, and am so happy I have seen her live.

She performed unravel live at our gig, and it was probably the most beautiful song of the set.

He'll never retuuuuurn it!
